October 27, 2022 | In Articles

How to Stay Motivated on the Job

How to Stay Motivated on the Job

How to find meaning in your work (even at a job you don't love).

In the vocabulary of most people, the word 'work', is juxtaposed with 'stress'. No matter the work one is doing, whether you are passionate about it or not, everyone faces some stress at work. Does it get easier with time?

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

Let's examine how to increase motivation at work, shall we?

Remember the people you are producing for or serving. No I am not talking about your employer. Truth be told, we do not always find ourselves at a job we are passionate about due to many circumstances, especially the economic conditions of our pocket. Nevertheless, it's essential to look at the impact your role at work, however big or small, is having on the industry you are working in. Just imagine the smile on your face when you make a customer's day based on the work you do, feeling motivated already? No? Maybe the next point will help.


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Mental Health and the Work-Life


Nigerian Slang

Omo, who doesn't want to live a soft life? Retiring at 30, vacations wherever you can imagine, ultimately living above the systems of this world. It enter your eye abi? (Appealing, right?) Think of the life you would like to live and keep pushing till you can afford that life. Think back to the child who is promised the latest toy; if he/she comes first in their class, you see the vim they use to claim that position at all costs? That's the same energy you can use in staying motivated with the trip to Bora Bora in hindsight.

For all you are worth, do todays work keeping in mind that tomorrow's job application will call on the experience you are gaining.

Ways to stay motivated. After stating the bigger picture of why we need to be motivated at work, how do we really get there?


Create smaller tasks out of the bigger ones to keep you at a good pace. Sometimes the big pile of work on your desk is enough to keep you demotivated at work. How about you start with little clutters to declutter the big pile. That way, it does not look as daunting as before.


Listen to music/ podcasts or take short breaks to give yourself a breather. Distractions are helpful occasionally, and I know you could use a good distraction at this stage. While working, why don't you plug in your favourite music or listen to that podcast or even a sermon? It helps, as it's almost as if you're in another world, keeping your spirits high while you still get the job done.


Taking good care of your mental health is also a factor to consider in staying motivated at work. Read this article to know more about improving your mental health at the workplace.


Fake it till you make it. Just sometimes, you may need to fake the motivation to get the energy pumping. It's like when a car stops, and it has to be pushed whilst sparking the car to get it to come on. The joy that comes when the car finally picks up and can get back on the road is unmatched. Consider the "fake" motivation as you pushing and sparking the car till you can jumpstart the real motivation. This technique is instrumental when working in a team as our energies are contagious; hence, when you are demotivated, your team will likely feel the same way.


Reward yourself for a good job done. It is really the little things that make the bigger picture. A reward system does not have to be about big rewards, but it can be as simple as a 30 minute break from sitting and working for about an hour. It may seem small, but trust me, it goes a long way in staying motivated overall.

How about you look at it this way? Understand that no matter how bad your current job is, see it as a steppingstone for your next job. So doing it well now will give you great metrics to find the future job you love. That can be good motivation to hang in there.

by Jessie W Ghartey

Career & Product Associate, Looksharp Global

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Mental Health and the Work-Life
