March 20, 2023 | In Articles

6 Health Tips for Desk Workers

6 Health Tips for Desk Workers

Raise your hand if you have ever sat at your desk for many hours, and the next time you stood up was to go and relieve your bladder of the pee you had been holding for so long. Yeah me too.

Let's face it; sometimes, pulling ourselves away from our desktop screens is nearly impossible. It is understandable because the corporate scene is fast-paced, and some dopamine is released when our tasks are ticked off our to-do lists - however, this is not doing our health any favors.

In today's world, many jobs require sitting in front of a computer screen for long hours, leading to a sedentary lifestyle.

Unfortunately, all that sitting is slowly affecting our overall health. I have a favor to ask; before you go any further, stand up and do a quick 5-minute stretch routine, as we will be discussing some tips on maintaining good health as a desk worker.

Why do we need to stay healthy? Is it even necessary?

Staying healthy as a desk worker is just as important as ticking all your tasks off your to-do list because it can impact your overall performance and productivity at work. So, how can you balance your office work, health, and fitness? It takes some effort, but it is doable.

Let's look at some of these tips:

I have a favor to ask; before you go any further, stand up and do a quick 5-minute stretch routine...


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Practice good workplace Ergonomics

This is one of the underrated tips, but a good posture at work does a great deal. Ensure your desk, chair, and computer are ergonomically designed to reduce the risk of injury and discomfort. Adjust the height of your chair and computer screen to ensure you are sitting correctly.

Take Mini Breaks

Honestly, the work you are doing will stay put if you take a 5-minute break to walk down/up the stairs to the next floor and back or to fetch some water; this segues into our next point.

Stay Hydrated

According to Gen Z laws, drinking your water and minding your business is the key to clear skin, but apart from that, staying hydrated can keep you focused and alert, among other benefits. Side Note: Staying hydrated can help you get your steps in because the bathroom breaks will be more than before.

Manage Stress

Stress is a common problem for desk workers. It can lead to mental health issues. Therefore, it is essential to manage stress effectively. Some practical ways to manage stress include deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and exercise.


And no, I do not mean take a jump rope to work, but there are little things you can do in the workplace that could constitute exercise.


Avoid the elevator and use the stairs more- unless you are going from the 6th floor to the ground floor or something similar. Use The Stairs.


What I am about to say might seem crazy, but hear me out, substitute some of your sit-down meetings for walking meetings- I understand that people need to use their computers in most meetings. Still, some meetings do not require much use of stationary objects. Suggest a walk with your teammates across the corridor while you discuss your ideas.


Do some simple squats or stretches to get your blood pumping-pump some blood to your brain, so your bright ideas are even brighter. (If you are in HR, encourage your institution to have short breaks where all work needs to stop for at least 5 minutes for a quick session).

For instance, in some Ghanaian companies, there are specific times in the day when music is played through central speakers, and all employees are encouraged to stand up and dance. Other companies have standup check in meetings near lunch break to catch up on work done the previous day or earlier in the day.


Sit for a while and then stand for a bit - It is recommended to for stand at least 5 minutes every hour.


You don't have to sit in front of the television for extra eight hours after work. Discover methods to include exercise time in your life away from work. Go to the gym, or go for an evening stroll. If you like dancing, you can blast music through your speakers and bust some moves.

Eat Well

Eating a healthy diet is vital for overall health. Eat Less Processed Food. Instead of that Fanta Orange you want to buy, get some actual oranges. Instead of plantain chips, get some roasted plantain. Instead of sprite, get some coconut water. They might not taste the same, but they are way better substitutes. Once in a while, it is okay to indulge in some processed food, but as a constant, it is not advisable.

Let us make an oath to ourselves to take better care of our health to improve our well-being.

In conclusion, maintaining good health as a desk worker requires some lifestyle changes and effort.

Staying active, keeping a good posture, staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, taking breaks, practicing good workplace ergonomics, and managing stress are some effective ways to maintain good health as a desk worker.

By following these tips, you can improve your overall health and well-being, and reduce the risk of health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Staying active, keeping a good posture, staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, taking breaks, practicing good workplace ergonomics, and managing stress are some effective ways to maintain good health as a desk worker.

by Papa Kwesi Asare Dokyi

Lead Writer & Co-Editor, Looksharp Global

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