March 01, 2023 | In Articles

How to Plan Your Career

How to Plan Your Career

I dare to be controversial when I say no one lived an original childhood.

There are usually a lot of times I have had conversations with people where I mention something I did as a kid, and the response is "me too"- maybe like the Mandela effect, there is a name for this too.

Recently, there has been a trend on social media where people recount plans they had made for themselves and how it is currently going, and almost everyone can relate to it in a way.

The point is that, even as kids when we did not know what strategies to implement to make our plans work for us, we knew the importance of planning.

So when you are asked at your next job interview, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years" don't think they are being a nuisance.

"By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail"- Benjamin Franklin.

This week we are discussing career planning.

By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail

Benjamin Franklin

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What is Career Planning?

Career planning is setting actionable goals for your career and deciding the path required to achieve these career objectives. It should be a continuous process that you revisit because the only thing constant is change.

Why is it essential to plan your career?

An excellent career plan maps out your future; this allows you to make better decisions regarding your current job situation and future career paths. Planning your career outlines how you would move from where you currently are to your ultimate career goal. If you know that after five years, you would like to be a human resource manager in a company, there is no reason why you should take a master's degree in supply chain.

Career planning lets you know which skill gaps you need to fill and which events you need to go to that will have the networks relevant to your ideal career path and career development.

With a good career plan, you can keep track of your progress.

Creating a Career Plan

Knowing yourself and your abilities is the first path in deciding on a career path. What are your strengths? What do you enjoy doing? Although we work to make money, there should be that balance where we also find some joy in the path we choose to prevent unhappiness at our job and early burnout.


What are your career options? Explore your choices and gather information about them. What does each one involve? Are there other options you still need to think about? Meet with people in the field; this is also a great way to build a professional network.


Now that you have done your research, evaluate your potential career paths. Choose the ones ideal for you at this point in your life. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. Assess the difficulties you may encounter and how you will deal with them, and then determine your job target. Your Job Target is the specific industry and position you choose to pursue.


Build your resume/CV geared towards your job target; take professional courses, apply for internships, and volunteer. This phase is ongoing, and your resume will get stronger as you build your qualifications. A strong résumé leads to interviews and job offers.


You can begin your job search and applications now that you have your career plan.

You may end up in the wrong profession if you don't know where you're going. One that leaves you physically and mentally exhausted and unfulfilled.

If you have a clear goal, it's easier to identify and take advantage of opportunities when they appear.

The bottom line is that you need a strategy to give you a feeling of purpose and direction in your everyday work life, and you can only achieve that by knowing what you want and putting measures in place to achieve it.

The bottom line is that you need a strategy to give you a feeling of purpose and direction in your everyday work life...

by Papa Kwesi Asare Dokyi

Lead Writer & Co-Editor, Looksharp Global

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