Aug 18, 2023 | In Articles

The Best Career Advice Ever

The Best Career Advice Ever

What do you think of this popular phrase?

Experience is the best teacher

Usually, people argue that you cannot base your decision or experience based on someone else’s. This is a fair point in most cases, however when it comes to the job market, it seems experience is the trump card… literally. It is seen even in job applications where you are required to have a certain amount of job experience to apply, in finding a mentor, and in even having a reputable successful business, your experience really tells it all.

In today’s article, I would like to also share my experience summed up in the best career advice ever. Some circumstances may not be applicable to you just yet or ever, but I can guarantee that knowledge of these career tips would do your career a lot of good!


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Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace


5 best career tips

1. Try, try, try again

Too often, we get scared after a rejection or failing a certain exam that would have propelled us to the next level, that we give up. Although this may seem to be the most natural thing to do, I have come to understand that no one achieves anything by just accepting defeat. Even though it may not be easy to pick it up right at the beginning, it is essential to get back into the game. So challenge yourself at work and have the trying spirit to try all the new stuff your boss thinks you can do, you actually never know when you would hit a jackpot and find your calling!

2. What goes on at work, stays at work

As an entry-level worker, within my first few weeks of working, I found myself carrying work baggage past 5pm. This was where in case I did something wrong that did not please my boss and I was scolded for it, I would end up transferring the sad emotions throughout my day, to my family and loved ones. Most often, I would show up the following morning disgruntled with the person I was working with and the work I was doing. Although I knew that the scolding was a bit harsh, I typically found it necessary. I realised that it affected my productivity and my general outlook towards work. Now the once zealous entry-level graduate, became the uninterested, couldn’t-care-less worker.

So let work stay at work and let home stay at home, it's not wise to mix the two, could easily become a shady deal and a mean you! How you can deal with this is ensuring that you keep your work hours strict and known amongst your colleagues, whilst still working efficiently within your stipulated time. It is also important to note that you receive the same energy you give, so throw on a smile each day and tackle the tasks with a hearty laugh, devoid of any sadness. Above all, remember to treat everyone with respect no matter what, and you’ll be fine. And with each new day, rinse of the stress of yesterday and repeat the warmth and laughter.

3. Always document milestones each time it happens

Have you ever wanted to apply for a new job and you find yourself sitting down, trying to jog your memory on some of the milestones you accomplished at your previous job to give your CV a facelift? Well, this clearly shows that you do not document the milestones or new skills you learn as you go about your work. The mind tends to forget some of the most memorable moments, especially when we need them the most. The good thing with our social media generation is that you can quickly post an update on LinkedIn to keep track and also keep you accountable to your progress. Now, when you actually start documenting these milestones, you would be able to realise growth and have a meaningful career plan.

4. Have a good community of friends to keep you sane

Working as the word says, sounds like a lot of work! You honestly need to keep sane and there’s no better no way to do that than to have an amazing group of friends. After a long-hard week of work, chilling out with your friends or even ranting about work keeps you clear-headed for the next week of work. Having the usual sit-around with your friends also helps to toss ideas around with your friends. Most importantly, we all know that apart from the chilling, there’s major relief in knowing that everyone is going through something similar and you’re not alone.

5. Stay true to yourself

Finally, remember to stay true to your values, interests, and aspirations. Do not let external pressures or societal expectations dictate your career choices. Trust your instincts and make decisions that align with your authentic self.

Ultimately, the best career advice is to find a path that brings you joy, allows for personal growth, and aligns with your values.

by Jessie W Ghartey

Career & Product Associate, Looksharp Global

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